See Outside Broadcast.
Out of action, not currently useable.
Off-Line Edit:
A "draft" edit, usually prepared in an off-line edit suite (at a lower cost), then taken to an on-line facility to make the final cut.
Related info: Video Editing
On-Line (1):
On-Line (2):
In multi-camera or multi-tape set-ups, the camera or videotape machine which is currently selected by the
director. For example, in an outside broadcast, the on-line camera is the camera which is currently live.
On-Line Edit:
The final version of an edit, prepared in a professional edit facility.
Of light/optics.
Optical Image Stabiliser (OIS):
A system of stabilizing a camera image by constantly adjusting the optics.
Optical Zoom:
A method of zooming which uses a telephoto lens, i.e. the zoom is provided by the optics rather than digital processing. Optical zoom is better than digital zoom
More info: Digital vs optical zoom
Dealing with properties of light. Camera optics: The components which deal with light rays, before they are converted into electrical signals (i.e. the lens, etc).
Device which accepts an electrical input, and represents the variations of the input as a display on a CRT screen.
More Info: Oscilloscope
Outside Broadcast:
A radio or television program which is broadcast from location, rather than from a studio.
More info: Outside Broadcast