Adding Files (Footage) to a Composition

Drag file to timelineA composition can contain multiple files of different types. Each file occupies its own layer in the timeline.

There are several ways to add new files. The most obvious method is to drag the file from the project panel to the timeline.

If you drag the file to the left part of the timeline, as pictured right, a new layer is created and the file is placed at the start of the comp (frame 0). The keyboard shortcut for this action is Ctrl+/ (control key + forward-slash; command key on the Mac).

Note: If the pixel size of the new file is different to the comp, the new footage is centred in the frame.

If you drag the file to the main part of the timeline, as pictured below, a new layer is created and the file is inserted beginning at that point. This is useful when you want the new footage to begin part way through the composition.

Drag file to timeline

Another way to add files is to drag them from the project panel directly onto the composition panel. This is useful if you want to place the file in a certain position in the comp frame.

Drag file to composition panel
