Get User's Flash Player Version
This function creates an object containing the end user's operating system and Flash Player version. The object includes the following values:
- flashVersion["os"] : Operating system (e.g. WIN for Windows)
- flashVersion["major"] : Major version number
- flashVersion["minor"] : Minor version
- flashVersion["build"] : Build number
var flashVersion:Object = new Object();// Object to hold the Flash version details
function getPlayerVersion() {
var versionNumber:String = Capabilities.version;// Get the whole version string
var versionArray:Array = versionNumber.split(",");// Split it up
var length:Number = versionArray.length;
var osPlusVersion:Array = versionArray[0].split(" ");// The main version contains the OS (e.g. WIN), so we split that off as well.
// Populate the version object (the OS is a string, others are numbers):
flashVersion["os"] = osPlusVersion[0];
flashVersion["major"] = parseInt(osPlusVersion[1]);
flashVersion["minor"] = parseInt(versionArray[1]);
flashVersion["build"] = parseInt(versionArray[2]);
// Test the output:
function getPlayerVersion() {
var versionNumber:String = Capabilities.version;// Get the whole version string
var versionArray:Array = versionNumber.split(",");// Split it up
var length:Number = versionArray.length;
var osPlusVersion:Array = versionArray[0].split(" ");// The main version contains the OS (e.g. WIN), so we split that off as well.
// Populate the version object (the OS is a string, others are numbers):
flashVersion["os"] = osPlusVersion[0];
flashVersion["major"] = parseInt(osPlusVersion[1]);
flashVersion["minor"] = parseInt(versionArray[1]);
flashVersion["build"] = parseInt(versionArray[2]);
// Test the output: