Adobe Premiere Pro CS5

Premiere Pro (PPRO) CS5 was released in April 2010.
Note: We have some video tutorials for this version of Premiere Pro at our YouTube Channel.
What's New in Premiere Pro CS5
64-bit only. PPRO CS5 doesn't support 32-bit operating systems — it must be run on a 64-bit version of Windows Vista/7 or Mac OS X 10.6.3+.
Mercury Playback Engine. The most talked-about new feature is a video playback engine that utilizes the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to accelerate playback. With a compatible GPU, PPRO can now play complex layered video tracks on the timeline without rendering.
New effects. Various effects have been added or tweaked to take advantage of GPU acceleration. Of particular note is the new Ultra Key effect for chroma keying. This is much better than the previous keying options, and in my opinion is the first built-in keying effect for Premiere capable of fully-professional greenscreening.
Increased support for tapeless formats, including Sony XDCAM EX, Panasonic's AVCCAM, and DSLR cameras.
Scene detect for HDV. This will be hugely appreciated by anyone who shoots HDV on tape. The ability for PPRO to automatically split HDV footage into individual shots while capturing is a significant time-saver.
Support for VOB files (DVD).
Various minor enhancements to editing tools.
Support for Adobe Story, Adobe's new script-writing tool. Also speech analysis to synchronize footage with scripts.
Import/export projects for Final Cut Pro and Avid.
Enhanced metadata. Detect faces and turn spoken dialogue into searchable text.
Collaboration tools such as Adobe CS Review, for working with other people and gathering feedback on projects..