Adobe Soundbooth Workspace
Soundbooth uses the familar interface shared by most Adobe CS3 applications. You can choose from a number of preset workspaces to suit the situation, or you can create and save your own workspaces.
Within any given workspace, panels are arranged in groups. Panels can be moved, regrouped and undocked. As panel groups are resized, other panel groups dynamically resize to compensate and and provide maximum screen use.
The screenshot below shows the "Edit Audio to Video" workspace.

- The Tools panel includes tools, level meters and the Workspace menu.
- The Files panel shows a list of imported media with name, media type and duration.
- The Tasks panel contains tools for: Auto-compose score, change pitch & timing, clean up audio, create loop, remove a sound.
- The History panel shows a list of previous states you can revert to.
- The Markers panel allows you to add and edit markers. These aid in navigation, editing and playback.
- The Video panel displays the video image
- The Editor panel is where you view and work with the audio file. The upper view is the waveform (shows audio as a series of amplitude peaks and valleys); the lower view is the spectral display (displays audio by its frequency components).