How to Batch Rename Files
Batch renaming is a way to rename a large number of files in one simple step. Basically, you select a group of files (a batch) and tell your computer to rename them sequentially using rules you specify. The names typically consist of a description followed by incrementing numbers, e.g. holiday(1).jpg, holiday(2).jpg, etc.
The example below shows a group of files which have been batch-named to include a date, description and number. The files become part of a sequence with useful names which are easy to organise.

There are many ways to batch rename files, from the simple built-in Windows function to specialized batch rename tools and utilities. The instructions below provide some specific examples, but even if you don't use these methods they will still show you how it's done and what to expect.
Step by Step Instructions
- Batch Renaming in Windows 7
- Batch Renaming in Windows XP
- Batch Renaming in Photoshop
- Batch Renaming in FinePixViewer
If batch renaming is something you might want to do often, you could have a look at the free Bulk Rename Utility.