Media Humour
- About Your Wedding Video For video producers - this handy excuse generator helps explain your latest disaster.
- Things You Don't Want to Hear if you work in video or television production.
- Quotes about Television
- 10 Essential Survival Tips based on information from the movies.
- Things That Aren't Funny in Video & Television Not a funny page, but strangely useful for newbies.
- Directors lose it on Youtube clips
Miscellaneous Jokes
Question: How many actors does it take to screw in a light bulb? (Multi-choice)- Four. One to screw it in and three to stand around saying that they could have done it better.
- Five. One to get on the ladder, four to discuss the motivation for the change.
- Only one, he holds on to it and the whole world revolves around him.
Two TV aerials met on a rooftop, fell in love and decided to get married. The ceremony was a bit boring, but the reception was excellent.
A producer, a gaffer and a camera operator find themselves marooned on a desert island while shooting on location. As they trudge along the beach, they stumble upon an ancient lamp.
As the camera operator dusts off the sand, a genie appears and offers to grant each of them one wish. The camera operator thinks for a moment then says, "I want to be transported to a beautiful resort hotel with a pool-side bar, an unlimited expense account, and a harem of beautiful women willing to do anything I ask".
"OK," says the genie, "consider it done." And the camera operator disappears in a puff of smoke.
"Wow", says the gaffer, "that sounds perfect - I'll have what he asked for!" Poof, he disappears in a puff of smoke.
"And what do you wish for, master?" the genie asks the producer. The producer looks at his watch and says, "I want those other two bastards back here in five minutes!"
An actor goes to a factory and asks to speak to a manager. "I'm an actor a I'm looking for a job for a while. Can you help me?"
"Sure," replies the manager "How's $75,000 a year and a company car sound? Can you start tomorrow?"
"Are you joking?" asks the actor.
The manager smiles and says, "You started it!"