Setting Up a Camera Tripod
The example below shows a Miller tripod with 2-stage legs and fluid head. This is a mid-range professional tripod. Most consumer tripods have fewer or simpler features but the principles are the same.
![]() If you are working in high winds, you can anchor the tripod by placing sandbags etc against the legs or on the spreaders. Many tripods have mid-level spreaders, positioned halfway up the tripod legs. These can be easier to work with on uneven surfaces. If the spreaders are hindering your set-up, you may be able to remove them. |
![]() You may wish to attach accessories to the handle such as a remote zoom or focus control. If so, you'll need to think about where they will be positioned. Remember that these will tie you to the tripod so you won't be able to quick-release the camera. |
![]() ![]() Remember, it's what's in the viewfinder that counts. Some shots may need to be shot an a slight angle in order to appear level. On the other hand, some shots can be made more appealing by purposely adding a tilt. |
The idea is that any two plates (from any tripod and any camera) can be screwed together. It doesn't always work that easily but most professional cameras and tripods are compatible. Position and screw the plates together at a point which will provide the best balance for the camera. This will usually be near the middle of the baseplate, unless your camera is very front or back-heavy. |
![]() Fit the camera to the baseplate. This happens in much the same way as the tripod plate fits to the head, with a quick-release mechanism. Again, make it click, and give the camera a bit of a shake to make sure it's secure. |
![]() Experiment with different settings. In general, use lighter tension for close or fast-moving subjects. Use heavier tension for slow moves, longer zooms, or if you're having difficulty keeping the shot steady. There should also be pan and tilt locks, to prevent the camera from moving at all. Use these whenever you're not operating the camera. |
Once you've turned the camera on, check your framing and make further
height/balance adjustments as needed.
Make sure the tripod legs are positioned so that you'll be able to stand comfortably, and move around as much as you need to. Remember that if you're going to be panning or tilting, you should end the move in the most comfortable position.
It takes practice to be able to set up a camera quickly. Once you've done it the first time, and you're happy with your setup, take note of the tripod height and other settings. Next time, remember these things before you begin, and it will happen faster.
Next Page: Using the Tripod